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Be consistent!

Any prospective entrepreneur or business person must learn to be consistent. Consistency in this context is of two types 1) in terms of the service you are rendering, 2) To remain in business in the face of challenges
The first aspect is the aspect of being consistent in the services you are rendering. For instance, whenever I want to buy some of my provision, instead of going to the shop next street, I would rather go as far as a kilometer northward because the shop next street had disappointed me many times by not opening regularly. There is also a barber very close to where I stay in school, we call him 'perfect touch' because the young man can barb expertly better than most barbers in the entire area. However, perfect touch as he is popularly called can't be easily predicted when it comes to visiting his salon for barbing as he makes a lot of travels leaving the shop close. Before we all know it, we've started visiting other salons though with lesser expertise but consistent. As a business person, your supply must be consistent and timely. To supply goods to customer as at when due is one of the best way to remain in business as it is assumed in business that such attitude is a display of integrity. When your customers expect you by 4pm please be there by 4pm. If you are suppose to send five sachet of milk, please don't send four. Be consistent, be faithful!
The second aspect of consistency is the aspect of determination. What I mean by determination is if you want to get a job, get a job and work your way to the top (read previous post on start early) but if you have made up your mind that you want to be an entrepreneur, please even in the face of challenges, remain one. The reason is simple, swapping between getting jobs and starting your own from time to time keeps you behind your colleagues who are consistently in business or jobs. For those employed as at the same time with you, they will be ahead of you in terms of level. This can be compared with children that change into different schools from time to time, they are always behind their mate in class ranking. Even if the business is not working, stay put. Your quote should be that of a friend, facebook/legborsi deekor.......'I will rather die trying'


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