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Industrialisation is the key, not primitive agriculture

I think the best time to correct this motion is now. It is believed that we are in recession because oil prices have collapsed but I disagree. We are in a recession because we have not studied established economies of the world properly.
If we have studied established economies of the world, we will understand that none of the established economies of the world advise their citizens to go into primitive agriculture. Instead, they are encouraged to establish industries which will in turn make use of agricultural produce of their country. And where they could not produce enough agricultural produce, they import, add value and return to even the very country they imported from for greater foreign exchange.
If our emphasis is to encourage Nigerians to establish industries which readily make use of our immediate agricultural produce and we give them the necessary support such as youwin, Boi etc grants. The other value chain will naturally run themselves. You will have solve many problems including unemployment and poverty.
My argument is that we encourage people to go into agriculture so as to earn foreign exchange but the truth is that many of this buyers make more money from value addition. They make more money in production than just the sales of agricultural produce. If we therefore encourage Nigerians to go into agriculture because we have industries which make use of their produce, we would have succeeded in getting all the returns just as those countries we sell to while also reducing unemployment and poverty as well as encouraging productivity on the part of the farmers. If we eventually export, we will be exporting finished products.


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