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Most sound ideas die before the first trial

The saying that the graveyard is the richest place on the planet is not one of those saying one can quickly dismiss because to a large extend, it’s the truth. It also applies to the aspect of ideas as most ideas are never tried, not even once before being dumped in the dustbin with “it won’t work” tag.
The truth is that if we give a benefit of doubt to every idea that we’ve researched properly, there is a large chance that many new product, services will have been produced. Aside the fact that our mistake may result to new product, we may also discover ways in which that product/services won’t work.
Thomas Edison said ‘just because something doesn’t do what you planned it to do doesn’t make it useless.’ He further said that he discovered about a thousand ways, the light bulb won’t be made instead of accepting failure. The problem most of us, however have is that we have not even tried once. There is the saying that a man that tries and fail is more experienced than the man that did not try atall. Get your first experience today by trying your idea. When you even fail, you will know that which made you fail and work against such in your next trial. Next time that beautiful idea drop into your heart, don’t just dismiss it.
It however does not mean that all first time will result to positive outcome but you will learn alot more than one who haven’t tried. For example, if you once get lost on a path, you are better than one who haven’t gone that path before. Give it a try!


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